.. _options-prop-all: #################### Map Plotting Options #################### Various plotting functions in Tropycal make use of properties to allow the user to customize the plots. These properties are listed below. .. _options-map-prop: Map prop ======== The following table lists options that can be passed to the "map_prop" argument as a dictionary. A sample usage block is included below: .. code-block:: python storm.plot(map_prop={'figsize':(14,9),'linewidth':1.0}) .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - figsize - Figure size in inches, horizontal by vertical. Default is (14,9). * - dpi - Figure resolutions in pixels per inch. Default is 200. * - res - Resolution of political and geographic boundaries. Options are 'l', 'm', 'h'. Default is 'm'. * - linewidth - Line width for political and geographic boundaries. Default is 0.5. * - linecolor - Line color for political and geographic boundaries. Default is black. * - land_color - Color used to fill land. Default is '#FBF5EA'. * - ocean_color - Color used to fill oceans and lakes. Default is '#EDFBFF'. * - plot_gridlines - Boolean for whether to plot lat/lon gridlines. Default is True. * - state_alpha - Opacity for state borders from 1.0 (fully visible) to 0.0 (not visible). Default is 1.0. .. _options-prop: Tracks Properties ================= The following sections lists options that can be passed to the "prop" argument as a dictionary. A sample usage block is included below: .. code-block:: python storm.plot(prop={'dots':True,'linecolor':'k'}) Generic prop options -------------------- The following properties are available for any function that involves plotting storm tracks. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - dots - Boolean whether to plot storm track dots along the storm track. Default is False. * - fillcolor - Fill color for storm track dots. Refer to table below for special color options. * - linecolor - Line color for storm track. Refer to table below for special color options. * - cmap - Colormap used for fill and/or line color, if not a single color nor 'category'. Can be a string or a dict of values and corresponding colors. * - levels - List of levels corresponding to cmap, if not coloring by a single color nor 'category'. * - linewidth - Line width for storm track. Default varies by function. * - ms - Size of storm track dots. Default is 7.5. * - plot_names - For plotting multiple storms or seasons, determines whether to plot storm name labels. The following special options are available for ``linecolor`` or ``fillcolor``: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Description * - "category" - Default color map for SSHWS category. * - "vmax" - Color by maximum sustained wind. * - "mslp" - Color by minimum MSLP. * - "dvmax_dt" - Fill color by change in sustained wind speed. Only available for interpolated storm objects, retrieved using ``storm.interp()``. * - "speed" - Fill color by forward speed of tropical cyclone. Only available for interpolated storm objects, retrieved using ``storm.interp()``. .. _options-prop-nhc: plot_nhc_forecast ----------------- The following properties are available only for the ``tropycal.tracks.Storm.plot_nhc_forecast()`` and ``tropycal.realtime.RealtimeStorm.plot_forecast_realtime()`` functions. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - cone_lw - Center line width for the cone of uncertainty. Default is 2.0. * - cone_alpha - Transparency for the cone of uncertainty. Default is 0.6. * - cone_res - Grid resolution for the cone of uncertainty in degrees. Default is 0.05. .. _options-prop-gridded: gridded_stats ------------- The following properties are available only for the ``tropycal.tracks.TrackDataset.gridded_stats()`` function. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - plot_values - Boolean for whether to plot label values for each gridpoint. Default is False. * - values_size - If ``plot_values`` is set to True, determines font size for labels. If none, this is automatically determined. * - smooth - Number (in units of sigma) to smooth the data using scipy's gaussian filter. Default is 0 (no smoothing). * - cmap - Colormap to use for the plot. If string 'category' is passed (default), uses a pre-defined color scale corresponding to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. * - clevs - Contour levels for the plot. Default is minimum and maximum values in the grid. * - left_title - Title string for the left side of the plot. Default is the string passed via the 'request' keyword argument. * - right_title - Title string for the right side of the plot. Default is 'All storms'. .. _options-summary: Realtime Summary ================ The following properties are available only for the ``tropycal.realtime.Realtime.plot_summary()`` function. prop_two -------- The following properties are available for plotting NHC Tropical Weather Outlook (TWO). .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - plot - Boolean to determine whether to plot NHC TWO. Default is True. * - days - Number of days for TWO. Can be either 2 or 5. Default is 5. * - fontsize - Font size for text label. Default is 12. prop_invest ----------- The following properties are available for plotting invests. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - plot - Boolean to determine whether to plot active invests. Default is True. * - linewidth - Line width for past track. Default is 0.8. Set to zero to not plot line. * - linecolor - Line color for past track. Default is black. * - linestyle - Line style for past track. Default is dotted. * - fontsize - Font size for invest name label. Default is 12. * - ms - Marker size for invest location. Default is 14. prop_storm ---------- The following properties are available for plotting storms. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - plot - Boolean to determine whether to plot active storms. Default is True. * - linewidth - Line width for past track. Default is 0.8. Set to zero to not plot line. * - linecolor - Line color for past track. Default is black. * - linestyle - Line style for past track. Default is dotted. * - fontsize - Font size for storm name label. Default is 12. * - fillcolor - Fill color for storm location marker. Default is color by SSHWS category ("category"). * - label_category - Boolean for whether to plot SSHWS category on top of storm location marker. Default is True. * - ms - Marker size for storm location. Default is 14. prop_cone --------- The following properties are available for plotting realtime cone of uncertainty. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - plot - Boolean to determine whether to plot cone of uncertainty & forecast track for active storms. Default is True. * - linewidth - Line width for forecast track. Default is 1.5. Set to zero to not plot line. * - alpha - Opacity for cone of uncertainty. Default is 0.6. * - days - Number of days for cone of uncertainty, from 2 through 5. Default is 5. * - fillcolor - Fill color for forecast dots. Default is color by SSHWS category ("category"). * - label_category - Boolean for whether to plot SSHWS category on top of forecast dots. Default is True. * - ms - Marker size for forecast dots. Default is 12. .. _options-prop-recon-plot: Recon Properties ================ plot_points ----------- The following properties are available only for the ``tropycal.recon.ReconDataset.plot_points()`` function. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - cmap - Colormap to use for the plot. If string 'category' is passed (default), uses a pre-defined color scale corresponding to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. * - levels - Levels for the color scale. If None (default), these are automatically generated. * - sortby - Variable to sort observations by. Default is the variable specified for plotting. * - ms - Size of observation dots. Default is 7.5. .. _options-prop-recon-swath: plot_swath and plot_map ----------------------- The following properties are available only for the ``tropycal.recon.ReconDataset.plot_swath()`` and ``tropycal.recon.ReconDataset.plot_map()`` functions. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - cmap - Colormap to use for the plot. If string 'category' is passed (default), uses a pre-defined color scale corresponding to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. * - levels - Levels for the color scale. If None (default), these are automatically generated. * - left_title - Title string for the left side of the plot. Default is automatically generated based on the requested variable. * - right_title - Title string for the right side of the plot. Default is 'All storms'. * - pcolor - Boolean for whether to use ``matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor()`` if set to True (default). If False, uses ``matplotlib.pyplot.contourf()``. .. _options-prop-recon-hovmoller: plot_hovmoller -------------- The following properties are available only for the ``tropycal.recon.ReconDataset.plot_hovmoller()`` function. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - cmap - Colormap to use for the plot. If string 'category' is passed (default), uses a pre-defined color scale corresponding to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. * - levels - Levels for the color scale. If None (default), these are automatically generated. * - smooth_contourf - Boolean determining whether to draw a smooth contourfill plot (True, default) or discrete intervals (False).