Source code for tropycal.rain.dataset

r"""Functionality for reading and analyzing SPC tornado dataset."""

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime as dt
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import warnings

from ..tracks.plot import TrackPlot

from ..utils import *

[docs]class RainDataset(): r""" Creates an instance of a RainDataset object containing tropical cyclone rainfall data, courtesy of the Weather Prediction Center (WPC). Parameters ---------- data_path : str Source to read tropical cyclone rainfall data from. Default is "wpc", which reads from the online Weather Prediction Center (WPC) database. Can change this to a local file. Returns ------- RainDataset An instance of RainDataset. """ def __init__(self, data_path='wpc'): # Start timer timer_start = print(f'--> Starting to read in rainfall data') # Read in storm rainfall dataset if data_path == 'wpc': data_path = "" self.rain_df = pd.read_csv(data_path) # Update user on duration print(f'--> Completed reading in rainfall data (%.2f seconds)' % (
[docs] def get_storm_rainfall(self, storm): r""" Retrieves all rainfall observations in inches associated with a tropical cyclone. Parameters ---------- storm : tropycal.tracks.Storm Instance of a Storm object. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame object containing rainfall data associated with this tropical cyclone, in inches. """ # Filter dataset to this specific storm name_1 = f"{} {storm.year}" name_2 = f"{} {storm.year}" df_storm = self.rain_df.loc[(self.rain_df['Storm'] == name_1) | ( self.rain_df['Storm'] == name_2)] # Drop Storm and Year column, no longer necessary df_storm = df_storm.drop(columns=['Storm', 'Year']) # Remove NaN entries df_storm = df_storm.loc[~np.isnan(df_storm['Lat']) & ~np.isnan( df_storm['Lon']) & ~np.isnan(df_storm['Total'])] # Check if data is empty if len(df_storm) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No rainfall data is available for this storm.") # Return dataframe return df_storm
[docs] def interpolate_to_grid(self, storm, grid_res=0.1, method='linear', return_xarray=False): r""" Interpolates storm rainfall data to a horizontal grid. Interpolation is performed using Scipy's `scipy.interpolate.griddata()` interpolation function. Parameters ---------- storm : tropycal.tracks.Storm Instance of a Storm object. grid_res : int or float Horizontal resolution of the desired grid in degrees. Default is 0.1 degrees. method : str Method for interpolation to pass to scipy's interpolation function. Default is "linear". return_xarray : bool If True, output is returned as an xarray DataArray with coordinates included. Default is false. Returns ------- dict or xarray.DataArray If return_xarray is True, an xarray DataArray is returned. Otherwise, a dict including the grid lat, lon and grid values is returned. """ # Check if Storm object contains rainfall data try: storm.rain except: storm.rain = self.get_storm_rainfall(storm) # Create grid to interpolate observations to grid_lon = np.arange(-140, -60+grid_res, grid_res) grid_lat = np.arange(20, 50+grid_res, grid_res) # Retrieve data for interpolation rainfall = storm.rain['Total'].values lat = storm.rain['Lat'].values lon = storm.rain['Lon'].values # Perform the interpolation grid = griddata((lat, lon), rainfall, (grid_lat[None, :], grid_lon[:, None]), method=method) grid = np.transpose(grid) # Return data if return_xarray: return xr.DataArray(grid, coords=[grid_lat, grid_lon], dims=['lat', 'lon']) else: return { 'grid': grid, 'lat': grid_lat, 'lon': grid_lon }
[docs] def plot_rain_grid(self, storm, grid, levels=None, cmap=None, domain="dynamic", plot_all_dots=False, ax=None, cartopy_proj=None, save_path=None, prop={}, map_prop={}): r""" Creates a plot of a storm track and its associated rainfall (gridded). Parameters ---------- storm : tropycal.tracks.Storm Storm object to be plotted. grid : dict or xarray.DataArray Output from `interpolate_to_grid()` to be plotted. Can also be any dict with "lat", "lon" and "grid" entries, or an xarray DataArray with "lat" and "lon" dimensions. levels : list or numpy.ndarray List of contour fill levels to plot the grid values, in inches. If none, this is automatically generated. cmap : colormap Colormap to use for contour filling rainfall. If none, this is automatically generated. domain : str Domain for the plot. Default is "dynamic". Please refer to :ref:`options-domain` for available domain options. plot_all_dots : bool Whether to plot dots for all observations along the track. If false, dots will be plotted every 6 hours. Default is false. ax : axes Instance of axes to plot on. If none, one will be generated. Default is none. cartopy_proj : ccrs Instance of a cartopy projection to use. If none, one will be generated. Default is none. save_path : str Relative or full path of directory to save the image in. If none, image will not be saved. Other Parameters ---------------- prop : dict Customization properties of storm track lines. Please refer to :ref:`options-prop` for available options. map_prop : dict Customization properties of Cartopy map. Please refer to :ref:`options-map-prop` for available options. Returns ------- ax Instance of axes containing the plot is returned. """ # Check if Storm object contains rainfall data try: storm.rain except: storm.rain = self.get_storm_rainfall(storm) # Create instance of plot object try: self.plot_obj except: self.plot_obj = TrackPlot() # Create cartopy projection if cartopy_proj is not None: self.plot_obj.proj = cartopy_proj elif max(storm['lon']) > 150 or min(storm['lon']) < -150: self.plot_obj.create_cartopy( proj='PlateCarree', central_longitude=180.0) else: self.plot_obj.create_cartopy( proj='PlateCarree', central_longitude=0.0) # Format args as dict rain_args = { 'plot_grid': True, 'data': storm.rain, 'grid': grid, 'levels': levels, 'cmap': cmap, } # Add zorder to plot map_prop['zorder_ocean'] = 3 map_prop['zorder_lake'] = 1 map_prop['zorder_continent'] = 0 map_prop['zorder_states'] = 4 map_prop['zorder_countries'] = 4 map_prop['zorder_coastlines'] = 4 # Plot storm return self.plot_obj.plot_storms([storm.dict], domain, plot_all_dots=plot_all_dots, ax=ax, save_path=save_path, prop=prop, map_prop=map_prop, rain_args=rain_args)
[docs] def plot_rain(self, storm, ms=7.5, mec=None, mew=0.5, minimum_threshold=1.0, levels=None, cmap=None, domain="dynamic", plot_all_dots=False, ax=None, cartopy_proj=None, save_path=None, **kwargs): r""" Creates a plot of a storm track and its associated rainfall (individual dots). Parameters ---------- storm : tropycal.tracks.Storm Storm object to be plotted. ms : float or int Marker size for individual rainfall observations. Default is 7.5. mec : str or rgb tuple Marker edge color for dots. If none (default), none will be colored. mew : float or int Marker edge width for dots. If mec is specified, the default is 0.5. minimum_threshold : float or int Minimum threshold (in inches) to plot dots. Default is 1.00 inch. levels : list or numpy.ndarray List of levels, in inches, corresponding to the colormap used to color fill the observation dots. If none, this is automatically generated. cmap : colormap Colormap to use for color filling the observation dots. If none, this is automatically generated. domain : str Domain for the plot. Default is "dynamic". Please refer to :ref:`options-domain` for available domain options. plot_all_dots : bool Whether to plot dots for all observations along the track. If false, dots will be plotted every 6 hours. Default is false. ax : axes Instance of axes to plot on. If none, one will be generated. Default is none. cartopy_proj : ccrs Instance of a cartopy projection to use. If none, one will be generated. Default is none. save_path : str Relative or full path of directory to save the image in. If none, image will not be saved. Other Parameters ---------------- prop : dict Customization properties of storm track lines. Please refer to :ref:`options-prop` for available options. map_prop : dict Customization properties of Cartopy map. Please refer to :ref:`options-map-prop` for available options. Returns ------- ax Instance of axes containing the plot is returned. """ prop = kwargs.pop('prop', {}) map_prop = kwargs.pop('map_prop', {}) # Check if Storm object contains rainfall data try: storm.rain except: storm.rain = self.get_storm_rainfall(storm) # Create instance of plot object try: self.plot_obj except: self.plot_obj = TrackPlot() # Create cartopy projection if cartopy_proj is not None: self.plot_obj.proj = cartopy_proj elif max(storm['lon']) > 150 or min(storm['lon']) < -150: self.plot_obj.create_cartopy( proj='PlateCarree', central_longitude=180.0) else: self.plot_obj.create_cartopy( proj='PlateCarree', central_longitude=0.0) # Format args as dict rain_args = { 'plot_grid': False, 'data': storm.rain, 'levels': levels, 'cmap': cmap, 'ms': ms, 'minimum_threshold': minimum_threshold, 'mew': mew, 'mec': mec, } # Add zorder to plot map_prop['zorder_ocean'] = 2 map_prop['zorder_lake'] = 0.5 map_prop['zorder_continent'] = 0 map_prop['zorder_states'] = 4 map_prop['zorder_countries'] = 4 map_prop['zorder_coastlines'] = 4 # Plot storm return self.plot_obj.plot_storms([storm.dict], domain, plot_all_dots=plot_all_dots, ax=ax, save_path=save_path, prop=prop, map_prop=map_prop, rain_args=rain_args)