Source code for tropycal.realtime.storm

r"""Functionality for storing and analyzing an individual realtime storm."""

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interp
import urllib
import warnings
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
import requests
from ftplib import FTP

from ..tracks import *
from import *
from ..tracks.plot import TrackPlot
from ..utils import *
from .. import constants
from ..recon import ReconDataset
from ..ships import Ships

[docs]class RealtimeStorm(Storm): r""" Initializes an instance of RealtimeStorm. This object inherits all the methods and functionality of ``tropycal.tracks.Storm``, but with additional methods unique to this object, all containing the word "realtime" as part of the function name. Parameters ---------- storm : dict Dict entry of the requested storm. Returns ------- RealtimeStorm Instance of a RealtimeStorm object. Notes ----- A RealtimeStorm object is retrieved from a Realtime object's ``get_storm()`` method, or directly as an attribute of the Realtime object. For example, if an active storm has an ID of 'EP012022', it can be retrieved as such: .. code-block:: python from tropycal import realtime realtime_obj = realtime.Realtime() storm = realtime_obj.get_storm('EP012022') Now this storm's data is stored in the variable ``storm``, which is an instance of RealtimeStorm and can access all of the methods and attributes of a RealtimeStorm object. All the variables associated with a RealtimeStorm object (e.g., lat, lon, time, vmax) can be accessed in two ways. The first is directly from the RealtimeStorm object: >>> array([ 9.8, 10.3, 10.8, 11.4, 11.9, 12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.6, 12.8, 13. , 12.9, 12.8, 12.9, 13.2, 13.6, 13.8, 13.9, 14. , 14. , 14.3, 14.6, 15.1, 15.4]) The second is via ``storm.vars``, which returns a dictionary of the variables associated with the RealtimeStorm object. This is also a quick way to access all of the variables associated with a RealtimeStorm object: >>> variable_dict = storm.vars >>> lat = variable_dict['lat'] >>> lon = variable_dict['lon'] >>> print(variable_dict.keys()) dict_keys(['time', 'extra_obs', 'special', 'type', 'lat', 'lon', 'vmax', 'mslp', 'wmo_basin']) RealtimeStorm objects also have numerous attributes with information about the storm. ``storm.attrs`` returns a dictionary of the attributes for this RealtimeStorm object. It should be noted that RealtimeStorm objects have additional attributes that Storm objects do not, specifically for 2 and 5 day NHC formation probability. These only display values for invests within NHC's area of responsibility; tropical cyclones or invests in JTWC's area of responsibility display "N/A". >>> print(storm.attrs) {'id': 'EP012022', 'operational_id': 'EP012022', 'name': 'AGATHA', 'year': 2022, 'season': 2022, 'basin': 'east_pacific', 'source_info': 'NHC Hurricane Database', 'invest': False, 'source_method': "NHC's Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting System (ATCF)", 'source_url': '', 'source': 'hurdat', 'ace': 6.055, 'prob_2day': 'N/A', 'prob_5day': 'N/A', 'risk_2day': 'N/A', 'risk_5day': 'N/A', 'realtime': True} """ def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__dict__[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__dict__[key] def __repr__(self): # Label object summary = ["<tropycal.realtime.RealtimeStorm>"] # Format keys for summary type_array = np.array(self.dict['type']) idx = np.where((type_array == 'SD') | (type_array == 'SS') | (type_array == 'TD') | ( type_array == 'TS') | (type_array == 'HU') | (type_array == 'TY') | (type_array == 'ST'))[0] if self.invest and len(idx) == 0: idx = np.array([True for i in type_array]) if len(idx) == 0: start_time = 'N/A' end_time = 'N/A' max_wind = 'N/A' min_mslp = 'N/A' else: time_tropical = np.array(self.dict['time'])[idx] start_time = time_tropical[0].strftime("%H00 UTC %d %B %Y") end_time = time_tropical[-1].strftime("%H00 UTC %d %B %Y") max_wind = 'N/A' if all_nan(np.array(self.dict['vmax'])[idx]) else int(np.nanmax(np.array(self.dict['vmax'])[idx])) min_mslp = 'N/A' if all_nan(np.array(self.dict['mslp'])[idx]) else int(np.nanmin(np.array(self.dict['mslp'])[idx])) summary_keys = { 'Maximum Wind': f"{max_wind} knots", 'Minimum Pressure': f"{min_mslp} hPa", 'Start Time': start_time, 'End Time': end_time, } # Format keys for coordinates variable_keys = {} for key in self.vars.keys(): dtype = type(self.vars[key][0]).__name__ dtype = dtype.replace("_", "") variable_keys[key] = f"({dtype}) [{self.vars[key][0]} .... {self.vars[key][-1]}]" # Add storm summary summary.append("Storm Summary:") add_space = np.max([len(key) for key in summary_keys.keys()])+3 for key in summary_keys.keys(): key_name = key+":" summary.append( f'{" "*4}{key_name:<{add_space}}{summary_keys[key]}') # Add coordinates summary.append("\nVariables:") add_space = np.max([len(key) for key in variable_keys.keys()])+3 for key in variable_keys.keys(): key_name = key summary.append( f'{" "*4}{key_name:<{add_space}}{variable_keys[key]}') # Add additional information summary.append("\nMore Information:") add_space = np.max([len(key) for key in self.attrs.keys()])+3 for key in self.attrs.keys(): key_name = key+":" val = '%0.1f' % ( self.attrs[key]) if key == 'ace' else self.attrs[key] summary.append(f'{" "*4}{key_name:<{add_space}}{val}') return "\n".join(summary) def __init__(self, storm, stormTors=None): # Save the dict entry of the storm self.dict = storm # Add other attributes about the storm keys = self.dict.keys() self.attrs = {} self.vars = {} for key in keys: if key == 'realtime': continue if not isinstance(self.dict[key], list) and not isinstance(self.dict[key], dict): self[key] = self.dict[key] self.attrs[key] = self.dict[key] if isinstance(self.dict[key], list) and not isinstance(self.dict[key], dict): self.vars[key] = np.array(self.dict[key]) self[key] = np.array(self.dict[key]) # Assign tornado data if stormTors is not None and isinstance(stormTors, dict): self.stormTors = stormTors['data'] self.tornado_dist_thresh = stormTors['dist_thresh'] self.attrs['Tornado Count'] = len(stormTors['data']) # Get Archer track data for this storm, if it exists try: self.get_archer() except: pass # Initialize recon dataset instance self.recon = ReconDataset(storm=self) # Determine if storm object was retrieved via realtime object if 'realtime' in keys and self.dict['realtime']: self.realtime = True self.attrs['realtime'] = True else: self.realtime = False self.attrs['realtime'] = False
[docs] def get_realtime_formation_prob(self): r""" Retrieve the latest NHC formation probability. Only valid for invests within NHC's area of responsibility. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing latest NHC forecast formation probability, if available. If none, defaults to zero or N/A. """ return { 'prob_2day': self.dict['prob_2day'], 'risk_2day': self.dict['risk_2day'], 'prob_7day': self.dict['prob_7day'], 'risk_7day': self.dict['risk_7day'] }
[docs] def download_graphic_realtime(self, save_path=""): r""" Download the latest official forecast track graphic. Available for both NHC and JTWC sources. Parameters ---------- save_path : str Filepath to save the image in. If blank, default is current working directory. """ # Check to ensure storm is not an invest if self.invest: raise RuntimeError( "Error: NHC does not issue advisories for invests that have not been designated as Potential Tropical Cyclones.") # Determine data source if self.source == 'hurdat': part1 = f"AT{[2:4]}" if[0:2] == "AL" else[0:4] url = f"{part1}/{}_5day_cone_with_line_and_wind.png" else: url = f"{}.gif" url_ext = url.split(".")[-1] # Try to download file if requests.get(url).status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError( "Official forecast graphic is unavailable for this storm.") # Download file response = requests.get(url) full_path = os.path.join(save_path, f"Forecast_{}.{url_ext}") with open(full_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content)
[docs] def get_discussion_realtime(self): r""" Retrieve the latest available forecast discussion. For JTWC storms, the Prognostic Reasoning product is retrieved. Returns ------- dict Dict entry containing the latest official forecast discussion. """ # Check to ensure storm is not an invest if self.invest: raise RuntimeError( "Error: NHC does not issue advisories for invests that have not been designated as Potential Tropical Cyclones.") # Get latest forecast discussion for HURDAT source storm objects if self.source == "hurdat": return self.get_nhc_discussion(forecast=-1) # Get latest forecast discussion for JTWC source storm objects elif self.source == 'jtwc': # Read in discussion file url = f"{[0:2].lower()}{[2:4]}{[6:8]}prog.txt" f = urllib.request.urlopen(url) content = content = content.decode("utf-8") f.close() return content # Otherwise, return error message else: msg = "No realtime forecast discussion is available for this storm." raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def get_forecast_realtime(self, ssl_certificate=True): r""" Retrieve a dictionary containing the latest official forecast. Available for both NHC and JTWC sources. Parameters ---------- ssl_certificate : boolean, optional If a JTWC forecast, this determines whether to disable SSL certificate when retrieving data from JTWC. Default is True. Use False *ONLY* if True causes an SSL certification error. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the latest official forecast. Notes ----- This dictionary includes a calculation for accumulated cyclone energy (ACE), cumulatively for the storm's lifespan through each forecast hour. This is done by linearly interpolating the forecast to 6-hour intervals and calculating 6-hourly ACE at each interval. For storms where forecast tropical cyclone type is available, ACE is not calculated for forecast periods that are neither tropical nor subtropical. """ # Check to ensure storm is not an invest if self.invest: raise RuntimeError( "Error: NHC does not issue advisories for invests that have not been designated as Potential Tropical Cyclones.") # NHC forecast data if self.source == 'hurdat': # Get forecast for this storm try: content = read_url( f"{}.fst") except: try: content = read_url( f"{}.fst") except: raise RuntimeError( "NHC forecast data is unavailable for this storm.") # Iterate through every line in content: forecasts = {} for line in content: # Get basic components lineArray = [i.replace(" ", "") for i in line] if len(lineArray) < 11: continue try: basin, number, run_init, n_a, model, fhr, lat, lon, vmax, mslp, stype, rad, windcode, neq, seq, swq, nwq = lineArray[:17] use_wind = True except: basin, number, run_init, n_a, model, fhr, lat, lon, vmax, mslp, stype = lineArray[:11] use_wind = False if model not in ["OFCL", "OFCI"]: continue if len(forecasts) == 0: forecasts = { 'init': dt.strptime(run_init, '%Y%m%d%H'), 'fhr': [], 'lat': [], 'lon': [], 'vmax': [], 'mslp': [], 'type': [], 'windrad': [], 'cumulative_ace': [], 'cumulative_ace_fhr': [], } # Format lat & lon fhr = int(fhr) if "N" in lat: lat_temp = lat.split("N")[0] lat = np.round(float(lat_temp) * 0.1, 1) elif "S" in lat: lat_temp = lat.split("S")[0] lat = np.round(float(lat_temp) * -0.1, 1) if "W" in lon: lon_temp = lon.split("W")[0] lon = np.round(float(lon_temp) * -0.1, 1) elif "E" in lon: lon_temp = lon.split("E")[0] lon = np.round(float(lon_temp) * 0.1, 1) # Format vmax & MSLP if vmax == '': vmax = np.nan else: vmax = int(vmax) if vmax < 10 or vmax > 300: vmax = np.nan if mslp == '': mslp = np.nan else: mslp = int(mslp) if mslp < 1: mslp = np.nan # Format wind radii if use_wind: try: rad = int(rad) if rad in [0, 35]: rad = 34 neq = np.nan if windcode == '' else int(neq) seq = np.nan if windcode in ['', 'AAA'] else int(seq) swq = np.nan if windcode in ['', 'AAA'] else int(swq) nwq = np.nan if windcode in ['', 'AAA'] else int(nwq) except: rad = 34 neq = np.nan seq = np.nan swq = np.nan nwq = np.nan else: rad = 34 neq = np.nan seq = np.nan swq = np.nan nwq = np.nan # Add forecast data to dict if forecast hour isn't already there if fhr not in forecasts['fhr']: if model in ['OFCL', 'OFCI'] and fhr > 120: pass else: if lat == 0.0 and lon == 0.0: continue forecasts['fhr'].append(fhr) forecasts['lat'].append(lat) forecasts['lon'].append(lon) forecasts['vmax'].append(vmax) forecasts['mslp'].append(mslp) forecasts['windrad'].append( {rad: [neq, seq, swq, nwq]}) # Get storm type, if it can be determined if stype in ['', 'DB'] and vmax != 0 and not np.isnan(vmax): stype = get_storm_type(vmax, False) forecasts['type'].append(stype) else: ifhr = forecasts['fhr'].index(fhr) forecasts['windrad'][ifhr][rad] = [neq, seq, swq, nwq] # Retrieve JTWC forecast otherwise else: # Get forecast for this storm if self.jtwc_source in ['jtwc', 'ucar']: url = f"{}.sum" else: url = f"{}.fst" if not ssl_certificate and self.jtwc_source in ['jtwc', 'ucar']: import ssl if requests.get(url, verify=False).status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError( "JTWC forecast data is unavailable for this storm.") else: if requests.get(url).status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError( "JTWC forecast data is unavailable for this storm.") # Read file content if not ssl_certificate and self.jtwc_source in ['jtwc', 'ucar']: import ssl f = urllib.request.urlopen( url, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) else: f = urllib.request.urlopen(url) content = content = content.decode("utf-8") content = content.split("\n") f.close() # Find starting index start_idx = 0 for idx, line in enumerate(content): lineArray = line.split(" ") if 'WARNING' in lineArray[0] and len(lineArray) > 2: start_idx = idx break if self.jtwc_source in ['jtwc', 'ucar']: # Iterate through every line in content: run_init = content[start_idx+2].split(" ")[0] forecasts = {} for line in content[start_idx+3:]: # Exit once done retrieving forecast if line == "AMP": break # Get basic components lineArray = line.split(" ") if len(lineArray) < 4: continue # Exit once done retrieving forecast if lineArray[0] == "AMP": break if len(forecasts) == 0: forecasts = { 'init': dt.strptime(run_init, '%Y%m%d%H'), 'fhr': [], 'lat': [], 'lon': [], 'vmax': [], 'mslp': [], 'windrad': [], 'cumulative_ace': [], 'cumulative_ace_fhr': [], 'type': [] } # Forecast hour fhr = int(lineArray[0].split("T")[1]) # Format lat & lon lat = lineArray[1] lon = lineArray[2] if "N" in lat: lat_temp = lat.split("N")[0] lat = np.round(float(lat_temp) * 0.1, 1) elif "S" in lat: lat_temp = lat.split("S")[0] lat = np.round(float(lat_temp) * -0.1, 1) if "W" in lon: lon_temp = lon.split("W")[0] lon = np.round(float(lon_temp) * -0.1, 1) elif "E" in lon: lon_temp = lon.split("E")[0] lon = np.round(float(lon_temp) * 0.1, 1) # Format vmax & MSLP vmax = int(lineArray[3]) if vmax < 10 or vmax > 300: vmax = np.nan mslp = np.nan # Format wind radii windrad = {} for rad in (34, 50, 64): try: irad = list(lineArray).index(f'R{rad:03}') windrad[rad] = [int(lineArray[irad+j]) for j in (1, 4, 7, 10)] except: continue # Add forecast data to dict if forecast hour isn't already there if fhr not in forecasts['fhr']: if lat == 0.0 and lon == 0.0: continue forecasts['fhr'].append(fhr) forecasts['lat'].append(lat) forecasts['lon'].append(lon) forecasts['vmax'].append(vmax) forecasts['mslp'].append(mslp) forecasts['windrad'].append(windrad) # Get storm type, if it can be determined stype = get_storm_type(vmax, False) forecasts['type'].append(stype) else: content = [(i.replace(" ", "")).split(",") for i in content] # Iterate through every line in content: forecasts = {} for line in content: # Get basic components lineArray = [i.replace(" ", "") for i in line] if len(lineArray) < 11: continue try: basin, number, run_init, n_a, model, fhr, lat, lon, vmax, mslp, stype, rad, windcode, neq, seq, swq, nwq = lineArray[ :17] use_wind = True except: basin, number, run_init, n_a, model, fhr, lat, lon, vmax, mslp, stype = lineArray[:11] use_wind = False if model not in ["JTWC"]: continue if len(forecasts) == 0: forecasts = { 'init': dt.strptime(run_init, '%Y%m%d%H'), 'fhr': [], 'lat': [], 'lon': [], 'vmax': [], 'mslp': [], 'type': [], 'windrad': [], 'cumulative_ace': [], 'cumulative_ace_fhr': [] } # Format lat & lon fhr = int(fhr) if "N" in lat: lat_temp = lat.split("N")[0] lat = np.round(float(lat_temp) * 0.1, 1) elif "S" in lat: lat_temp = lat.split("S")[0] lat = np.round(float(lat_temp) * -0.1, 1) if "W" in lon: lon_temp = lon.split("W")[0] lon = np.round(float(lon_temp) * -0.1, 1) elif "E" in lon: lon_temp = lon.split("E")[0] lon = np.round(float(lon_temp) * 0.1, 1) # Format vmax & MSLP if vmax == '': vmax = np.nan else: vmax = int(vmax) if vmax < 10 or vmax > 300: vmax = np.nan if mslp == '': mslp = np.nan else: mslp = int(mslp) if mslp < 1: mslp = np.nan # Format wind radii if use_wind: try: rad = int(rad) if rad in [0, 35]: rad = 34 neq = np.nan if windcode == '' else int(neq) seq = np.nan if windcode in [ '', 'AAA'] else int(seq) swq = np.nan if windcode in [ '', 'AAA'] else int(swq) nwq = np.nan if windcode in [ '', 'AAA'] else int(nwq) except: rad = 34 neq = np.nan seq = np.nan swq = np.nan nwq = np.nan else: rad = 34 neq = np.nan seq = np.nan swq = np.nan nwq = np.nan # Add forecast data to dict if forecast hour isn't already there if fhr not in forecasts['fhr']: if model in ['OFCL', 'OFCI'] and fhr > 120: pass else: if lat == 0.0 and lon == 0.0: continue forecasts['fhr'].append(fhr) forecasts['lat'].append(lat) forecasts['lon'].append(lon) forecasts['vmax'].append(vmax) forecasts['mslp'].append(mslp) forecasts['windrad'].append( {rad: [neq, seq, swq, nwq]}) # Get storm type, if it can be determined if stype in ['', 'DB'] and vmax != 0 and not np.isnan(vmax): stype = get_storm_type(vmax, False) forecasts['type'].append(stype) else: ifhr = forecasts['fhr'].index(fhr) forecasts['windrad'][ifhr][rad] = [neq, seq, swq, nwq] # Determine ACE thus far (prior to initial forecast hour) ace = 0.0 for i in range(len(self.time)): if self.time[i] >= forecasts['init']: continue if self.type[i] not in constants.NAMED_TROPICAL_STORM_TYPES: continue ace += accumulated_cyclone_energy(self.vmax[i], hours=6) # Add initial forecast hour ACE ace += accumulated_cyclone_energy(forecasts['vmax'][0], hours=6) forecasts['cumulative_ace_fhr'].append(0) forecasts['cumulative_ace'].append(np.round(ace, 1)) # Interpolate forecast to 6-hour increments def temporal_interpolation(value, orig_times, target_times, kind='linear'): f = interp.interp1d(orig_times, value, kind=kind, fill_value='extrapolate') ynew = f(target_times) return ynew # Construct a 6-hour time range interp_fhr = range(0, forecasts['fhr'][-1]+1, 6) interp_vmax = temporal_interpolation( forecasts['vmax'], forecasts['fhr'], interp_fhr) # Interpolate storm type interp_type = [] for dummy_i, (i_hour, i_vmax) in enumerate(zip(interp_fhr, interp_vmax)): use_i = 0 for i in range(len(forecasts['fhr'])): if forecasts['fhr'][i] > i_hour: break use_i = int(i + 0.0) i_type = forecasts['type'][use_i] if i_type in constants.TROPICAL_STORM_TYPES: i_type = get_storm_type(i_vmax, False) interp_type.append(i_type) # Add forecast ACE for i, (i_fhr, i_vmax, i_type) in enumerate(zip(interp_fhr[1:], interp_vmax[1:], interp_type[1:])): # Add ACE if storm is a TC if i_type in constants.NAMED_TROPICAL_STORM_TYPES: ace += accumulated_cyclone_energy(i_vmax, hours=6) # Add ACE to array if i_fhr in forecasts['fhr']: forecasts['cumulative_ace'].append(np.round(ace, 1)) forecasts['cumulative_ace_fhr'].append(i_fhr) # Save forecast as attribute self.latest_forecast = forecasts return self.latest_forecast
[docs] def plot_forecast_realtime(self, track_labels='fhr', cone_days=5, domain="dynamic_forecast", ax=None, cartopy_proj=None, save_path=None, ssl_certificate=True, **kwargs): r""" Plots the latest available official forecast. Available for both NHC and JTWC sources. Parameters ---------- track_labels : str Label format for forecast dots. Scroll down to notes for available options. cone_days : int Number of days to plot the forecast cone. Default is 5 days. Can select 2, 3, 4 or 5 days. domain : str Domain for the plot. Default is "dynamic_forecast". Please refer to :ref:`options-domain` for available domain options. ax : axes Instance of axes to plot on. If none, one will be generated. Default is none. cartopy_proj : ccrs Instance of a cartopy projection to use. If none, one will be generated. Default is none. save_path : str Relative or full path of directory to save the image in. If none, image will not be saved. Other Parameters ---------------- ssl_certificate : boolean, optional If a JTWC forecast, this determines whether to disable SSL certificate when retrieving data from JTWC. Default is True. Use False *ONLY* if True causes an SSL certification error. prop : dict Customization properties of NHC forecast plot. Please refer to :ref:`options-prop-nhc` or scroll down below for available options. map_prop : dict Customization properties of Cartopy map. Please refer to :ref:`options-map-prop` for available options. Returns ------- ax Instance of axes containing the plot is returned. Notes ----- The following properties are available for customizing ``track_labels``. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Description * - ``""`` - No label * - ``"fhr"`` - Forecast hour (e.g., 60). Default option. * - ``"fhr_wind_mph"`` - Forecast hour and sustained wind in mph. * - ``"fhr_wind_kt"`` - Forecast hour and sustained wind in knots. * - ``"valid_utc"`` - Valid time in UTC. * - ``"valid_edt"`` - Valid time in Eastern time (EDT). * - ``"valid_cdt"`` - Valid time in Central time (CDT). * - ``"valid_mdt"`` - Valid time in Mountain time (MDT). * - ``"valid_pdt"`` - Valid time in Pacific time (PDT). * - ``"valid_hst"`` - Valid time in Hawaii time (HST). The following properties are available for plotting NHC forecasts, via ``prop``. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Description * - cone_lw - Center line width for the cone of uncertainty. Default is 2.0. * - cone_alpha - Transparency for the cone of uncertainty. Default is 0.6. * - cone_res - Grid resolution for the cone of uncertainty in degrees. Default is 0.05. """ # Retrieve kwargs prop = kwargs.pop('prop', {}) map_prop = kwargs.pop('map_prop', {}) # Check to ensure storm is not an invest if self.invest: raise RuntimeError( "Error: NHC does not issue advisories for invests that have not been designated as Potential Tropical Cyclones.") # Create instance of plot object try: self.plot_obj except: self.plot_obj = TrackPlot() # Create cartopy projection if cartopy_proj is None: if max(self.dict['lon']) > 130 or min(self.dict['lon']) < -130: self.plot_obj.create_cartopy( proj='PlateCarree', central_longitude=180.0) else: self.plot_obj.create_cartopy( proj='PlateCarree', central_longitude=0.0) # Get forecast for this storm try: nhc_forecasts = (self.latest_forecast).copy() except: nhc_forecasts = self.get_forecast_realtime( ssl_certificate=ssl_certificate) # Add other info to forecast dict nhc_forecasts['advisory_num'] = -1 nhc_forecasts['basin'] = self.basin if self.source != "hurdat": nhc_forecasts['cone'] = False # Plot storm plot_ax = self.plot_obj.plot_storm_nhc( nhc_forecasts, self.dict, track_labels, cone_days, domain, ax=ax, save_path=save_path, prop=prop, map_prop=map_prop) # Return axis return plot_ax
[docs] def get_realtime_info(self, source='all'): r""" Returns a dict containing the latest available information about the storm. This function uses NHC Public Advisories, so it will differ from available Best Track data. Parameters ---------- source : str Data source to use. Default is "all". Available options are: * **"all"** = Latest from either public advisory or best track. Both NHC & JTWC. * **"public_advisory"** = Latest public advisory. NHC only. * **"best_track"** = Latest Best Track file data. Both NHC & JTWC. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing current storm information. """ # Error check if not isinstance(source, str): msg = "\"source\" must be of type str." raise TypeError(msg) if source not in ['all', 'public_advisory', 'best_track']: msg = "\"source\" must be 'all', 'public_advisory', or 'best_track'." raise ValueError(msg) if source == 'public_advisory' and self.source != 'hurdat': msg = "A source of 'public_advisory' can only be used for storms in NHC's area of responsibility." raise RuntimeError(msg) # Check to ensure storm is not an invest if self.invest: if self.source == 'hurdat': msg = "NHC does not issue public advisories on invests. Defaulting to best track method." warnings.warn(msg) source = 'best_track' # Declare empty dict current_advisory = {} # If source is all, determine which method to use if source == 'all': if self.source == 'hurdat': # Check to see which is the latest advisory latest_btk = self.time[-1] # Get latest available public advisory advisory_found = False try: content = read_url( f"{}_info.xml", subsplit=False) advisory_found = True except: try: content = read_url( f"{}_info.xml", subsplit=False) advisory_found = True except: pass # Get UTC time of advisory if advisory_found: results = [i for i in content if 'messageDateTimeUTC' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] latest_advisory = dt.strptime(result, '%Y%m%d %I:%M:%S %p UTC') # Check which one to use if latest_btk > latest_advisory: source = 'best_track' else: source = 'public_advisory' else: source = 'best_track' else: source = 'best_track' # If public advisory, retrieve this data if source == 'public_advisory': # Add source current_advisory['source'] = 'NHC Public Advisory' # Get latest available public advisory try: content = read_url( f"{}_info.xml", subsplit=False) except: content = read_url( f"{}_info.xml", subsplit=False) # Get public advisory number results = [i for i in content if 'advisoryNumber' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['advisory_number'] = result # Get UTC time of advisory results = [i for i in content if 'messageDateTimeUTC' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] result = dt.strptime(result, '%Y%m%d %I:%M:%S %p UTC') current_advisory['time_utc'] = result # Get storm type results = [i for i in content if 'systemType' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['type'] = result.title() # Get storm name results = [i for i in content if 'systemName' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['name'] = result.title() # Get coordinates results = [i for i in content if 'centerLocLatitude' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['lat'] = float(result) results = [i for i in content if 'centerLocLongitude' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['lon'] = float(result) # Get sustained wind speed results = [i for i in content if 'systemIntensityMph' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['wind_mph'] = int(result) results = [i for i in content if 'systemIntensityKph' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['wind_kph'] = int(result) results = [i for i in content if 'systemIntensityKts' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['wind_kt'] = int(result) # Get MSLP results = [i for i in content if 'systemMslpMb' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['mslp'] = int(result) # Get storm category current_advisory['category'] = wind_to_category( current_advisory['wind_kt']) # Get storm direction results = [i for i in content if 'systemDirectionOfMotion' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['motion_direction'] = result.split(" OR ")[0] results = [i for i in content if 'systemDirectionOfMotion' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] try: current_advisory['motion_direction_degrees'] = int( (result.split(" OR ")[1]).split(" DEGREES")[0]) except: current_advisory['motion_direction_degrees'] = 0 # Get storm speed results = [i for i in content if 'systemSpeedMph' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['motion_mph'] = int(result) results = [i for i in content if 'systemSpeedKph' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['motion_kph'] = int(result) results = [i for i in content if 'systemSpeedKts' in i][0] result = (results.split(">")[1]).split("<")[0] current_advisory['motion_kt'] = int(result) # Best track data else: # Add source if self.source == 'hurdat': current_advisory['source'] = 'NHC Best Track' else: current_advisory['source'] = 'JTWC Best Track' # Get public advisory number current_advisory['advisory_number'] = 'n/a' # Get UTC time of advisory current_advisory['time_utc'] = self.time[-1] # Get storm type subtrop_flag = self.type[-1] in constants.SUBTROPICAL_ONLY_STORM_TYPES current_advisory['type'] = get_storm_classification( self.vmax[-1], subtrop_flag, self.wmo_basin[-1]) # Check for non-tropical storm types if self.type[-1] not in constants.TROPICAL_STORM_TYPES: if all(type not in self.type for type in constants.TROPICAL_STORM_TYPES): if self.invest: current_advisory['type'] = 'Invest' else: current_advisory['type'] = 'Potential Tropical Cyclone' else: current_advisory['type'] = 'Post-Tropical Cyclone' elif self.source in ['jtwc', 'ucar']: if self.invest: current_advisory['type'] = 'Invest' # Get storm name current_advisory['name'] = # Get coordinates current_advisory['lat'] =[-1] current_advisory['lon'] = self.lon[-1] # Get sustained wind speed if np.isnan(self.vmax[-1]): current_advisory['wind_mph'] = np.nan current_advisory['wind_kph'] = np.nan current_advisory['wind_kt'] = np.nan else: current_advisory['wind_mph'] = knots_to_mph(self.vmax[-1]) current_advisory['wind_kph'] = int(self.vmax[-1] * 1.852) current_advisory['wind_kt'] = self.vmax[-1] # Get MSLP current_advisory['mslp'] = np.nan if np.isnan(self.mslp[-1]) else int(self.mslp[-1]) # Get storm category current_advisory['category'] = wind_to_category( current_advisory['wind_kt']) # Determine motion direction and degrees try: # Cannot calculate motion if there's only one data point if len(self.lon) == 1: # Get storm direction current_advisory['motion_direction'] = 'n/a' current_advisory['motion_direction_degrees'] = 'n/a' # Get storm speed current_advisory['motion_mph'] = 'n/a' current_advisory['motion_kph'] = 'n/a' current_advisory['motion_kt'] = 'n/a' # Otherwise, use great_circle to calculate else: # Get points start_point = ([-2], self.lon[-2]) end_point = ([-1], self.lon[-1]) # Get time since last update hour_diff = ( self.time[-1] - self.time[-2]).total_seconds() / 3600.0 # Calculate zonal and meridional position change in km x = great_circle( ([-2], self.lon[-2]), ([-2], self.lon[-1])).kilometers if self.lon[-1] < self.lon[-2]: x = x * -1 y = great_circle( ([-2], self.lon[-2]), ([-1], self.lon[-2])).kilometers if[-1] <[-2]: y = y * -1 # Calculate motion direction vector idir = np.degrees(np.arctan2(x, y)) if idir < 0: idir += 360.0 # Calculate motion direction string def deg_str(d): dirs = ["N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW"] ix = int((d + 11.25)/22.5) return dirs[ix % 16] dirs = deg_str(idir) # Update storm direction current_advisory['motion_direction'] = dirs current_advisory['motion_direction_degrees'] = int( np.round(idir, 0)) # Get storm speed current_advisory['motion_mph'] = int( np.round(great_circle(start_point, end_point).miles / float(hour_diff), 0)) current_advisory['motion_kph'] = int(np.round(great_circle( start_point, end_point).kilometers / float(hour_diff), 0)) current_advisory['motion_kt'] = int( np.round(current_advisory['motion_mph'] * 0.868976, 0)) # Otherwise, can't calculate motion except: # Get storm direction current_advisory['motion_direction'] = 'n/a' current_advisory['motion_direction_degrees'] = 'n/a' # Get storm speed current_advisory['motion_mph'] = 'n/a' current_advisory['motion_kph'] = 'n/a' current_advisory['motion_kt'] = 'n/a' # Return dict return current_advisory
def __get_public_advisory(self): # Get list of all public advisories for this storm url_disco = '' try: page = requests.get(url_disco).text content = page.split("\n") files = [] for line in content: if ".public" in line and in line: filename = line.split('">')[1] filename = filename.split("</a>")[0] files.append(filename) del content except: ftp = FTP('') ftp.login() ftp.cwd('atcf/pub') files = ftp.nlst() out = ftp.quit() # Keep only largest number numbers = [int(i.split(".")[-1]) for i in files] max_number = np.nanmax(numbers) if max_number >= 100: max_number = str(max_number) elif max_number >= 10: max_number = f"0{max_number}" else: max_number = f"00{max_number}" files = [i for i in files if f".{max_number}" in i] # Determine if there's an intermediate advisory available if len(files) > 1: advisory_letter = [] for file in files: if 'public_' in file: letter = (file.split("public_")[1]).split(".")[0] advisory_letter.append(letter) max_letter = max(advisory_letter) files = [i for i in files if f".public_{max_letter}" in i] # Read file containing advisory content = read_url(url_disco + files[0], subsplit=False) # Figure out time issued hr = content[6].split(" ")[0] zone = content[6].split(" ")[2] disco_time = num_to_str2(int(hr)) + ' '.join(content[6].split(" ")[1:]) format_time = content[6].split(" ")[0] if len(format_time) == 3: format_time = "0" + format_time format_time = format_time + " " + ' '.join(content[6].split(" ")[1:]) disco_time = dt.strptime(format_time, f'%I00 %p {zone} %a %b %d %Y') time_zones = { 'ADT': -3, 'AST': -4, 'EDT': -4, 'EST': -5, 'CDT': -5, 'CST': -6, 'MDT': -6, 'MST': -7, 'PDT': -7, 'PST': -8, 'HDT': -9, 'HST': -10 } offset = time_zones.get(zone, 0) disco_time = disco_time + timedelta(hours=offset*-1)
[docs] def get_ships_realtime(self): r""" Retrieves a Ships object containing the latest SHIPS data. Returns ------- tropycal.ships.Ships Instance of a Ships object containing the latest SHIPS data. Notes ----- 1. While the SHIPS data source used for ``Storm.get_ships()`` updates on a frequent basis, it may lag slightly behind the latest available data on the NHC ATCF server, especially for newly formed storms. This function helps to mitigate this slight delay. 2. On rare occasions, SHIPS data files from UCAR have empty data associated with them. In these cases, a value of None is returned. """ reformatted_id = f'{[:-4]}{[-2:]}' # Retrieve list of SHIPS files from NHC ATCF try: page = requests.get('').text except: raise RuntimeError('Unable to fetch SHIPS data from NHC ATCF.') content = page.split("\n") files = [] for line in content: if '<a href="' in line and '_ships.txt' in line: filename = (line.split('<a href="')[1]).split('">')[0] # Add entries definitely associated with this storm if reformatted_id == filename.split('_ships')[0][-6:]: files.append(filename) # Organize by date sorted_files = sorted([dt.strptime(i[:8],'%y%m%d%H') for i in files]) # Fetch latest file filename = f'{sorted_files[-1].strftime("%y%m%d%H")}{reformatted_id}_ships.txt' content = read_url(f'{filename}', split=False, subsplit=False) # Make sure file has content if len(content) < 10: warnings.warn('Improper SHIPS entry for this time. Returning a value of None.') return None # Return Ships instance return Ships(content)
def __get_ensembles_eps(self): # This function is currently not functioning. The path to retrieve EPS ensemble data is: # # A_JSXX01ECEP181200_C_ECMP_20200518120000_tropical_cyclone_track_AMPHAN_86p3degE_14degN_bufr4.bin return