Source code for tropycal.tornado.dataset

r"""Functionality for reading and analyzing SPC tornado dataset."""

import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as mlines

from .plot import TornadoPlot

# Import tools
from .tools import *
from ..utils import *

[docs]class TornadoDataset(): r""" Creates an instance of a TornadoDataset object containing tornado data. Parameters ---------- mag_thresh : int Minimum threshold for tornado rating. tornado_path : str Source to read tornado data from. Default is "spc", which reads from the online Storm Prediction Center (SPC) 1950-present tornado database. Can change this to a local file. Returns ------- TornadoDataset An instance of TornadoDataset. """ def __init__(self, mag_thresh=0, tornado_path='spc'): # Error check if isinstance(mag_thresh, int) == False: raise TypeError("mag_thresh must be of type int.") elif mag_thresh not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: raise ValueError("mag_thresh must be between 0 and 5.") # Read in tornado dataset timer_start = yrnow = timer_start.year print(f'--> Starting to read in tornado track data') if tornado_path == 'spc': # Find most recent year year_found = False for year_diff in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: yrlast = yrnow - year_diff url = f"{yrlast}_actual_tornadoes.csv" if requests.get(url).status_code == 200: year_found = True Tors = pd.read_csv(f'{yrlast}_actual_tornadoes.csv', on_bad_lines='skip', parse_dates=[['mo', 'dy', 'yr', 'time']]) print(f'--> Completed reading in tornado data for 1950-{yrlast} (%.2f seconds)' % ( break if year_found == False: raise RuntimeError( "Error: No SPC tornado dataset available within the last 5 years.") else: Tors = pd.read_csv(tornado_path, on_bad_lines='skip', parse_dates=[['mo', 'dy', 'yr', 'time']]) print(f'--> Completed reading in tornado data from local file (%.2f seconds)' % ( # Get UTC from timezone (most are 3 = CST, but some 0 and 9 = GMT) tz = np.array([timedelta(hours=9-int(i)) for i in Tors['tz']]) tors_dt = [pd.to_datetime(i) for i in Tors['mo_dy_yr_time']] Tors = Tors.assign(UTC_time=tors_dt+tz) # Filter for only those tors at least F/EF scale mag_thresh. Tors = Tors[Tors['mag'] >= mag_thresh] # Clean up lat/lons Tors = Tors[(Tors['slat'] != 0) | (Tors['slon'] != 0)] Tors = Tors[(Tors['slat'] >= 20) & (Tors['slat'] <= 50)] Tors = Tors[(Tors['slon'] >= -130) & (Tors['slon'] <= -65)] Tors = Tors[(Tors['elat'] >= 20) | (Tors['elat'] == 0)] Tors = Tors[(Tors['elat'] <= 50) | (Tors['elat'] == 0)] Tors = Tors[(Tors['elon'] >= -130) | (Tors['elat'] == 0)] Tors = Tors[(Tors['elon'] <= -65) | (Tors['elat'] == 0)] Tors = Tors.assign(elat=[Tors['slat'].values[u] if i == 0 else i for u, i in enumerate(Tors['elat'].values)]) self.Tors = Tors.assign( elon=[Tors['slon'].values[u] if i == 0 else i for u, i in enumerate(Tors['elon'].values)])
[docs] def get_storm_tornadoes(self, storm, dist_thresh): r""" Retrieves all tornado tracks that occur along the track of a tropical cyclone. Parameters ---------- storm : tropycal.tracks.Storm Instance of a Storm object. dist_thresh : int Distance threshold (in kilometers) from the tropical cyclone track over which to attribute tornadoes to the TC. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame object containing data about the tornadoes associated with this tropical cyclone. """ # Get storm dict from object stormdict = storm.to_dict() stormTors = self.Tors[(self.Tors['UTC_time'] >= min(stormdict['time'])) & (self.Tors['UTC_time'] <= max(stormdict['time']))] # Interpolate storm track time to the time of each tornado f = interp1d(mdates.date2num(stormdict['time']), stormdict['lon']) interp_clon = f(mdates.date2num(stormTors['UTC_time'])) f = interp1d(mdates.date2num(stormdict['time']), stormdict['lat']) interp_clat = f(mdates.date2num(stormTors['UTC_time'])) # Retrieve x&y distance of each tornado from TC center stormTors = stormTors.assign(xdist_s=[great_circle((.5*(lat1+lat2), lon1), (.5*(lat1+lat2), lon2)).kilometers for lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 in zip(interp_clat, interp_clon, stormTors['slat'], stormTors['slon'])]) stormTors = stormTors.assign(ydist_s=[great_circle((lat1, .5*(lon1+lon2)), (lat2, .5*(lon1+lon2))).kilometers for lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 in zip(interp_clat, interp_clon, stormTors['slat'], stormTors['slon'])]) stormTors = stormTors.assign(xdist_e=[great_circle((.5*(lat1+lat2), lon1), (.5*(lat1+lat2), lon2)).kilometers for lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 in zip(interp_clat, interp_clon, stormTors['elat'], stormTors['elon'])]) stormTors = stormTors.assign(ydist_e=[great_circle((lat1, .5*(lon1+lon2)), (lat2, .5*(lon1+lon2))).kilometers for lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 in zip(interp_clat, interp_clon, stormTors['elat'], stormTors['elon'])]) # Assign tornado within specified distance threshold to this storm stormTors = stormTors[stormTors['xdist_s'] ** 2 + stormTors['ydist_s']**2 < dist_thresh**2] # Return DataFrame return stormTors
[docs] def rotateToHeading(self, storm, stormTors): r""" Rotate tornado tracks to their position relative to the heading of the TC at the time. Parameters ---------- stormTors : pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame containing tornado tracks. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame StormTors modified to include motion relative coordinates. """ # Check to make sure there's enough tornadoes if len(stormTors) == 0: stormTors['rot_xdist_s'] = [] stormTors['rot_xdist_e'] = [] stormTors['rot_ydist_s'] = [] stormTors['rot_ydist_e'] = [] return stormTors # Get storm dict from object stormdict = storm.to_dict() # Temporal interpolation of storm track dx = np.gradient(stormdict['lon']) dy = np.gradient(stormdict['lat']) f = interp1d(mdates.date2num(stormdict['time']), dx) interp_dx = f(mdates.date2num(stormTors['UTC_time'])) f = interp1d(mdates.date2num(stormdict['time']), dy) interp_dy = f(mdates.date2num(stormTors['UTC_time'])) ds = np.hypot(interp_dx, interp_dy) # Rotation matrix for +x pointing 90deg right of storm heading # avoid warnings for divide by zero ds[ds == 0.0] = ds[ds == 0.0] + 0.01 rot = np.array([[interp_dy, -interp_dx], [interp_dx, interp_dy]])/ds oldvec_s = np.array([stormTors['xdist_s'].values, stormTors['ydist_s'].values]) newvec_s = [[:, :, i], v) for i, v in enumerate(oldvec_s.T)] oldvec_e = np.array([stormTors['xdist_e'].values, stormTors['ydist_e'].values]) newvec_e = [[:, :, i], v) for i, v in enumerate(oldvec_e.T)] # Enter motion relative coordinates into stormTors dict stormTors['rot_xdist_s'] = [v[0] for v in newvec_s] stormTors['rot_xdist_e'] = [v[0] for v in newvec_e] stormTors['rot_ydist_s'] = [v[1] for v in newvec_s] stormTors['rot_ydist_e'] = [v[1] for v in newvec_e] # return modified stormtors return stormTors
[docs] def plot_TCtors_rotated(self, storm, dist_thresh=1000, return_ax=False): r""" Plot tracks of tornadoes relative to the storm motion vector of the tropical cyclone. Parameters ---------- storm : tropycal.tracks.Storm Instance of a Storm object. dist_thresh : int Distance threshold (in kilometers) from the tropical cyclone track over which to attribute tornadoes to the TC. return_ax : bool Whether to return the axis plotted. Default is False. Notes ----- The motion vector is oriented upwards (in the +y direction). """ # Retrieve tornadoes for the requested storm try: stormTors = storm.StormTors except: stormTors = self.get_storm_tornadoes(storm, dist_thresh) # Add motion vector relative coordinates stormTors = self.rotateToHeading(storm, stormTors) # Create figure for plotting plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9), dpi=150) ax = plt.subplot() # Default EF color scale EFcolors = get_colors_ef('default') # Plot all tornado tracks in motion relative coords for _, row in stormTors.iterrows(): plt.plot([row['rot_xdist_s'], row['rot_xdist_e']+.01], [row['rot_ydist_s'], row['rot_ydist_e']+.01], lw=2, c=EFcolors[row['mag']]) # Plot dist_thresh radius ax.set_facecolor('#F6F6F6') circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), dist_thresh, color='w') ax.add_artist(circle) an = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) ax.plot(dist_thresh * np.cos(an), dist_thresh * np.sin(an), 'k') ax.plot([-dist_thresh, dist_thresh], [0, 0], 'k--', lw=.5) ax.plot([0, 0], [-dist_thresh, dist_thresh], 'k--', lw=.5) # Plot motion vector plt.arrow(0, -dist_thresh*.1, 0, dist_thresh*.2, length_includes_head=True, head_width=45, head_length=45, fc='k', lw=2) # Labels ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box') ax.set_xlabel('Left/Right of Storm Heading (km)', fontsize=13) ax.set_ylabel('Behind/Ahead of Storm Heading (km)', fontsize=13) ax.set_title( f'{} {storm.year} tornadoes relative to heading', fontsize=17) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=11.5) # Add legend handles = [] for ef, color in enumerate(EFcolors): count = len(stormTors[stormTors['mag'] == ef]) handles.append(mlines.Line2D([], [], linestyle='-', color=color, label=f'EF-{ef} ({count})')) ax.legend(handles=handles, loc='lower left', fontsize=11.5) # Return axis or show figure if return_ax == True: return ax else: plt.close()
[docs] def plot_tors(self, tor_info, domain="conus", plotPPH=False, ax=None, return_ax=False, return_domain=True, cartopy_proj=None, **kwargs): r""" Creates a plot of tornado tracks and Practically Perfect Forecast (PPH). Parameters ---------- tor_info : pandas.DataFrame / dict / datetime.datetime / list Requested tornadoes to plot. Can be one of the following: * **Pandas DataFrame** containing the requested tornadoes to plot. * **dict** entry containing the requested tornadoes to plot. * **datetime.datetime** object for a single day to plot tornadoes. * **list** with 2 datetime.datetime entries, a start time and end time for plotting over a range of dates. domain : str Domain for the plot. Default is "conus". Please refer to :ref:`options-domain` for available domain options. plotPPH : bool or str Whether to plot practically perfect forecast (PPH). True defaults to "daily". Default is False. * **False** - no PPH plot. * **True** - defaults to "daily". * **"total"** - probability of a tornado within 25mi of a point during the period of time selected. * **"daily"** - average probability of a tornado within 25mi of a point during a day starting at 12 UTC. ax : axes Instance of axes to plot on. If none, one will be generated. Default is none. cartopy_proj : ccrs Instance of a cartopy projection to use. If none, one will be generated. Default is none. prop : dict Property of tornado tracks. map_prop : dict Property of cartopy map. """ prop = kwargs.pop("prop", {}) map_prop = kwargs.pop("map_prop", {}) # Get plot data if isinstance(tor_info, pd.core.frame.DataFrame): dfTors = tor_info elif isinstance(tor_info, dict): dfTors = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(tor_info) else: dfTors = self.__getTimeTors(tor_info) if isinstance(tor_info, list): try: if prop['PPHcolors'] == 'SPC': warning_message = 'SPC colors only allowed for daily PPH. Defaulting to plasma colormap.' warnings.warn(warning_message) prop['PPHcolors'] = 'plasma' except: warning_message = 'SPC colors only allowed for daily PPH. Defaulting to plasma colormap.' warnings.warn(warning_message) prop['PPHcolors'] = 'plasma' if plotPPH != 'total': try: prop['PPHlevels'] except: t_int = (max(tor_info)-min(tor_info)).days if t_int > 1: new_levs = [i*t_int**-.7 for i in [2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 100]] for i, _ in enumerate(new_levs[:-1]): new_levs[i] = max([new_levs[i], 0.1]) new_levs[i+1] = new_levs[i] + \ max([new_levs[i+1]-new_levs[i], .1]) prop['PPHlevels'] = new_levs # Create instance of plot object self.plot_obj = TornadoPlot() # Create cartopy projection if cartopy_proj is None: self.plot_obj.create_cartopy( proj='PlateCarree', central_longitude=0.0) cartopy_proj = self.plot_obj.proj # Plot tornadoes plot_info = self.plot_obj.plot_tornadoes( dfTors, domain, plotPPH, ax, return_ax, return_domain, prop=prop, map_prop=map_prop) # Return axis if ax is not None or return_ax or return_domain: return plot_info
def __getTimeTors(self, time): if isinstance(time, list): t1 = min(time) t2 = max(time) else: t1 = time.replace(hour=12) t2 = t1+timedelta(hours=24) subTors = self.Tors.loc[(self.Tors['UTC_time'] >= t1) & (self.Tors['UTC_time'] < t2)] return subTors